Motor Rosak!

Mar 11

Semalam merupakan hari yg kurang baik bg aku. Al-kisahnya, pagi semalam masa aku on the way nak pergi jumpa advisor dkt UiTM, berlaku perkara yg paling aku tak suka iaitu motor rosak! Elok 2-3 kilometer lepas Menara TM (time ni tgh syok press), tiba2 je aku rasa lain mcm. Press throttle, patot makin laju la speed, ni makin kurang pulak. Aiksss? Pelik ni! Ape hal? Enjin mati kah? Aku press lagi, “vro00mmm”, hidup je enjin. Sihat walafiat. Tapi apsal motor aku makin slow ni? Wth?!

Berhenti la kejap dkt tepi jalan, angkat double stand. Enjin ok, boleh hidup, aku try press lagi..kali ini baru aku perasan, tayar tak pusing. Sah! “Timing belt” putus . Time tgh kejar masa mcm ni la dia nak buat hal. Cek surrounding, dkt seberang jalan ada kedai motor. Dalam hati rasa lega sikit. So pergi la kedai tu (lintas highway yg tgh busy tu macam lintas jalan biasa, org tgk mesti pelik. Haha) Memang berani mati habis la, dah la kereta tgh banyak sebab masing2 rushing nak pergi kerja.

Sampai dkt kedai tu, aku explain la dkt tokey cina tu, dia kata xde hal punya nak repair, tp mesti bawak motor tu dkt kedai dia sbb nak bukak enjin utk replace timing belt tu kena guna machine. Haa sudah.

“Motor saya dkt seberang tu boss, mcm mana mau bawa sini? Ada highway oo0o.”

“Lu kena pusing balik, ikut itu jalan belakang naik bukit sikit”. Aku dgr bukit je, dalam hati aku rasa tak sedap dah. haha

Memang takde pilihan la nampak gayanya, nak tak nak terpaksa juga aku tolak motor tu utk berpatah balik. Kalau dekat xpe, ni dkt 2KM (diulang 2KM) aku kena tolak motor, dah la ada jalan berbukit. Memang kerja gila. Tak pernah la semur hidup aku rasa penat gila macam semalam. Lagi2 time nak tolak naik bukit tu! Motor aku dah la berat. Serius penat nak mati!

Setelah bersusah payah, berjaya jugak tolak sampai kedai tu. Peluh tu takyah cite la, dah mcm mandi. Memang semput ar. Habis segala tenaga digunakan. Otot2 seluruh badan terasa sakit. Tp dalam hati tetap bersyukur sbb berjaya juga sampai.

p/s: masa keluar rumah baca ayat Qursi, dalam perjalanan ada zikir2 juga. Motor rosak, kedai motor seberang jalan. Kebetulan kah? Wallah’hualam. =)

Meet - Z460

Feb 15

Baru je balik dari Low Yat. Hajat di hati, nak beli laptop for my mom. Lepas puas survey, akhirnya inilah hasilnya.

Lenovo IdeaPad Z460

Intel Core i5-480M (2.66GHz,L3 3MB )
Intel High Definition Graphic
14.1 inch WXGA (1366x768) LED
500 GB 5400 RPM
DVD Writer (Dual Layer Support + Removable)
HD camera
USB : 2
D-Sub/VGA : Yes
HDMI : Yes
Card Reader : 5-in-1
Express Slot : Yes

Wireless Lan : Yes
LAN : Yes

6-Cell Li-ion Battery

The box

External view

Brushed metal finish

Chiclet style keyboard

As for the price, it is less than RM 2k (after nego. kaw2). Quite cheap considering this laptop comes with Intel i-5 480M processor + 4GB of RAM. No dedicated GPU though, as adding that would push the price beyond RM2k. After all, this laptop is not for me, it is for my mom usage. Strictly not for gaming. LOL

Am really surprised with the sound system because it came with Dolby Advanced Audio. Totally did not expect that since this is not a gaming/high-end laptop. The keyboard is really nice and so does the touch pad. Really like the brushed metal surface around the deck which feels premium on touch. haha

The laptop also has touch-sensitive buttons above the keyboard to mute the speakers, cycle through video mode etc. What makes it special is that it has a button that allow you to change the fan speed of the laptop! Even a gaming laptop rarely comes with this feature.To spice things up, this button also allow you to clean the air ventilation system of the laptop by reversing the fan mechanical system to clear the dust out. Damn!

As for the conclusion, am really satisfied with this laptop! A great buy! I highly recommend it for those who are looking for a casual stylish looking laptop.

- Nice build quality
- Impressive sound system
- Speedy CPU
- 4 GB of RAM

All this for less than RM2k? Definitely a bargain!

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Sneak Peek


Being Me is the greatest challenge
to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while

but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live

these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses
so I thank YOU GOD
for each fate that u wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!
