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During diploma, my favorites lecturer Pn.Siti once told me “ ramai student yg result dorg ok time diploma tp ble masuk degree, result terok!” huhu. I couldn’t help but feeling worried. The exact same thing could happen to me too. I got a total of 7 subjects for this semester. 23 credit hours! (+.+!).

I started my class last week. So far, the lecturers are all ok, except for one which is my research lecturer..I got 2 lecturers for this subject, one is for the tutorial class and the other one is for the lecture class. The one that handle the tutorial class is quite strict =( . Nampak gaye cam susah je nak score. Thx god our lecturer for the lecture class is ok.

Talking about’ assignments, I already got tons of em’. One of them even requires me to organize a seminar. o-r-g-a-n-i-z-e..xde experience pon dlm organize event seblom2 nih tbe2 kne organize a seminar?! hoh. I will be super busy after this..which means less games, less sleep, less everything. ohh tidakkkk!!

And here I thought credit transfer student would have more time to kill. WRONG! But what the heck, I’m in the process of learning after all. Take it as a life learning experience and I’m sure I’ll be fine. (^_^).


ShaNa said...

tu la dulu byk sgt free time..
blaja rajin2 eh xD

Nazmi said...

sem ni xley main2 sudah..

Liu Bei said...

tula..game2 sume bagi sini cpt2!!

adinda anna liyana said...

dun worry, kwn u ni belajar event kn? Major plak tue...anythin yg u nk tau, u bleh tny i. bkn nk b'lagak tp tat is my expertise, pe guna belajar kalo xleh tolong kn?

Lg satu, bkn sng organize event n mmg sgt penat. trust me.i da ada 2 major event nk kena organize sem nie..=))

Nazmi said...

ina : nak game2 sumer? dtg amek sendiri =p

yana: waaa..ok2.pape i tanye u jela. heheh

Liu Bei said...

pos laju je la..bole?? =p

Nazmi said...

tak bole!
kne dtg sendiri gak xD

Liu Bei said...

bg map..sy pon xtau uitm ni katne..

Nazmi said...

naik bus kt kl sentral..smpai btol2 dkt ngan uitm. huhu

Liu Bei said...

bas? haa..br teringat. ade bas rapid yg msk um. bkn lalu dkat2..msk um tros.huhu

Nazmi said...

ade ke??
cm mls nak g sorg2. smpai sane nanti mesti blurr. haha

ShaNa said...

sape kate sorg2?? dreber bas n penumpang2 lain ade..huii kemain ramai yg escort! xD xD

Nazmi said...

dorg tuh nak watpe. cesss

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Being Me is the greatest challenge
to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while

but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live

these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses
so I thank YOU GOD
for each fate that u wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!
