just got a call from the BANK this morning. *excited* haha. well, i'm still not sure whether i got it or not, but they asked me to fax my IC as well as the confirmation later from UiTM. gonna settle this matter with them tomorrow ASAP. i would say as for now, the chance is 50-50.
enough with the BANK, moving on to the test today. IFS, well the first question is pretty easy, i think i can nail it =p. but the second one, OMG! *blurrr*. yadaaa yadaaaa, i messed up pretty badly on the second one. seriously! *sad*
well, after the class, i went down to the parking lot feeling a bit relieved that one test is over & the presentation is postponed to nextweek!! thank you SIR!!!! ^__^ . but once i arrived at my bike, guess what, *kertas biru tuh dah terselit kat motor ku* . tgk pon dah tau ape mende. terus hilang mood hepi.
the thing is, there are actually two parking lots for bikes at my faculty, but the one located exactly opposite the faculty is being renovated. so that left us, the students with only one parking lot, located behind the faculty. just imagine, even with two parking lots, it is still not enough to accommodate all the bikes, inikan pulak ade satu je!!! so we have no choice but to park our bikes behind the law faculty (restricted area).
what the heck the so called "pak guards" are thinking??! suke2 hati je saman, dah tau parking x cukup pon nak saman student. ngekkkks. bulan2 puase ni, tolong la bertimbang rase sikit. ni takkkk!!
i'm outta here! bye peeps!
haih...i gotta say: Fak Guard! hahahaa....haku pun dulu simpan dendam gk dgn fakgad..suke saman rambut aku...rambut ak xla pnjg mane, rambut ak spesis lurus dan nipis. jd xde a pnjg sgt. tp tu pun nk saman. sedangkan kat fac aku blambak lelaki rmbuut pnjg2 mngalahkn artis. pastu kalu ade bdk pmpuan xpkai matric card, bdk tu mula la gedik2 dgn pakgad. ape lg, cair la pakgad tu. trus kasi lepas. laki nk gedik2? go to hell la, sakit ati simpn dlm ati je a..huhu...sbb ak salu kna saman, sjk tu aku study strategi nak elak kawasan hitam..so final year ak xde kna saman pun..hehe
time aku kt melake dulu pak guard de lg strict oo00..shah alam ni de gle saman parking je, kalao kt melake pantang ade salah sikit saman!! by the way, rambut ko tuh sememangnye panjang, kalau aku pakgad pon aku saman. ngahaha
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