Survey 2

1. how are you?

am fine ^^

2. who was the last person you hugged?

my mom

3. look to your left, what do you see?

the wall.ahaha

4. where do you like to be the most?


5. whats your fave film?


6. what does the last person you commented on blogger mean to you?

she’s my sister

7. what did you last laugh about?

when my friend made a jokes while we’re watching the movie “coming soon”..the ghost was

8. where was your default took?


9. whats the first thing you look for in a girl/guy?

their attitude

10. if your still in school, whats your fave lesson?

math!! kid’ would be umm, bio..or perhaps bm

11. what do you work as / want to work as?

CEO of an internationally recognize company..ahaha

12. do you play video games? if so, which is your fave game?

yesssssss!! Final fantasy, metal gear, kingdom heart

13. who never fails to make you laugh?

sagay ,kori & rad

14. what are you listening to right now?

the veronicas- untouched

15. who did you last have a sleepover with?


16. i bet you miss someone, who?!

am not going to tell you! ahaha

17. are you happy with your life right now?

quite happy

18. why did you last get upset?

coz of the headache..totally ruined my day

19. who was the last person you texted?

cik yeh

20. who do you live with?

my family

21. do you like living with them?


22. whats your mood right now?

Worried (-_-)

24. did you realise that there was no 23?

yes I did..dia pg mane eh?? =p

25. what does your profile song mean to you?

nothing..i just love the melody

26. who did you last shout at and why?

yana..she gave me an award..^^

27. are you normally a happy person?

50-50 =p

28. what was the last thing you went to see in the movies and with who?

Hancock, tgk kt pavilion, with acap & reyas

29. whats your fave food?

tom yam, paprik, udang sambal petai..nyum2

30. are you in love?


31. do you remember how you was 3 years ago?

yup..young and dangerous.haha

32. if so, does it make you cringe?


33. if you could be with someone right now, who would it be?

Rad..i missed the reunion with u guys the other day..sorry~

34. do you have any regrets in your life? What?

Yup..takmo cite. =p

35. whats your fave thing in your room?

my beloved pc!! ahaha

36. is this quiz boring you?

a little bit

37. if you had one wish, what would you wish for?

to be rich?? Nahh so typical..i would wish that I could be a better person who will succeed both in this life and hereafter ^^

38. when was the last time you lied?

a few days ago.hoho

39. are your lips chapped?

Yup..kurang minom air..

40. any last words?

Saye sangat mengantok..zzZZzzz


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Being Me is the greatest challenge
to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while

but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live

these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses
so I thank YOU GOD
for each fate that u wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!
