Having The Best Day Ever!

The key to having the best day ever is learning how to avoid being stressed out and learning how to live with a peace of mind. The way that you can live every day stress free and with a peace of mind is by taking a proactive approach to life. For starters, every morning before your day begins you must decide that you are going to have a joyful and peaceful day no matter what. So today I want to share with you all, 3 tips that you can do to be proactive in living every day stress free and have the best day ever. The 3 tips are:

1. Love The Skin That You Are In
One reason many people are stressed out is because they are not happy with whom they are. They constantly try to change themselves into someone who they are not. In order to live stress free, recognize and appreciate all the great qualities that make you who you are. You can work on making changes to improve your health and self-image but do not focus on your faults. Learn to see yourself as the beautiful, unique person that you are. Try this exercise to help improve your self-image: Daily look in the mirror and say, "I love you (your name)" =)

2. Smile more
Another reason people are stressed out and do not have a peace of mind is because they do not smile enough. You should focus on all of the things that make you smile throughout the day instead of all of the things that makes you upset. Guess what? If you focus on all of the things that makes you smile all day long; then all day long you are smiling. Likewise, if you focus on all of the things that make you upset all day long; then you are upset and frowning all day long. Try this exercise to help you increase the number of times you smile daily: Write a list of 50 things that makes you smile. This can be a joke, the names of special people in your life, favorite places to vacation etc. Throughout the day review at least one item from off of your list and smile.

3. Say No
A major reason people are stressed out is because they over extend themselves and they do not know when to say "No". You should not live your life as a "People Pleaser" and you must know when to say "No". Use this as a reference of when to say "No": If you are able to help someone, then you should but if you are not, it is okay to say "No". Also, if saying "Yes" causes you to over extend yourself, then say "No". If you are not confident about saying "No" try this exercise: look in the mirror and practice daily saying "No" until you are able to do it firmly.

In order to have a great day you have to work at it. Some days you may wake up and have a perfect day but then there are the other days where nothing seems to go right. When the "nothing seems to go right" days approach you have to know how to respond to the people and events that poses a challenge to your peace of mind. I hope the tip helps you in your everyday life!


adinda anna liyana said...

point no.1 tu cm ad kena mengena je gn i kn?

naz said...

hahah.tau xpe

ShaNa said...

bole la apply tuk muscle system..hahah

naz said...

awk apply dulu xD

ShaNa said...

why am always the one to be the 1st?

Nazmi said...

always ke?? jarang je rasenye..

iNA said...


adinda anna liyana said...

spai hati jdkn i sumber inspirasi kpd bnd yg x bgs..

Nazmi said...

ina: errr rase2 x cukup rase lg..kne tambah perise baru cukup =p

yana: jd sumber inspirasi ape lak ni..misscommunication sudah nih.haha

ShaNa said...

ape benda yg tak bagus?

Nazmi said...

sumer bagos je xD

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Sneak Peek


Being Me is the greatest challenge
to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while

but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live

these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses
so I thank YOU GOD
for each fate that u wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!
