
Can't wait for tonight. It's a 4 vs 4 match. May the best team win! xD


Ed said...

melibatkan pergaduhan...i like!
jgn lupa ajak aku bro. aku nk tgk! mana?

ShaNa said...

byk je free tym..hmm

naz said...

takkk..xjadi pon..bz

adinda anna liyana said...

keje syik nk berdota je..

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Sneak Peek


Being Me is the greatest challenge
to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while

but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live

these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses
so I thank YOU GOD
for each fate that u wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!
