Sick Again?
I'm not feeling very well...smalam kena hujan (+__+).
Selsema, sore throat..badan rase lain mcm je. hopefully x demam..sok da la ade presentatation.luse ade test TPT..dugaan2
~ off to bed early. outttttt
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | | 3 Comments
4 Syarat Hidupkan Hati Dengan Al-Quran
HATI yang hidup menggerakkan potensi yang ada pada diri seseorang. Sebaliknya, hati yang mati membunuh segala bakat dan potensi diri. Sesuatu umat hanya boleh dibangunkan dengan menggerakkan potensi dirinya serta mengarahkannya kepada pembangunan. Dengan pengutusan Rasulullah SAW, segala bakat dan potensi sahabat yang selama ini terpendam digerakkan dengan penghayatan al-Quran.
Hati yang hidup adalah hati yang subur dan bersedia untuk mendengar, melihat dan menerima kebenaran.
Hati yang hidup begini mempunyai nur, tenaga dan kekuatan. Ia sentiasa tunduk dan patuh kepada Allah dengan penuh khusyuk, takwa serta kasih dan simpati kepada sesama makhluk.
Hati yang dihidupkan dengan al-Quran bersedia mematuhi segala perintah syarak.
Dengan mematuhi segala perintah syarak barulah kehidupan manusia akan sempurna. Bukankah Allah berfirman bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya al-Quran ini membimbing ke jalan yang lurus (benar).” (Surah al-Isra’, ayat 9).Perkara ini disebutkan juga dalam firman-Nya bermaksud: “Taha (maknanya hanya diketahui Allah). Kami tidak menurunkan al-Quran kepadamu supaya kamu menjadi susah, tetapi sebagai peringatan bagi orang yang takut kepada Allah; iaitu diturunkan daripada Allah yang menciptakan bumi dan langit yang tinggi?” (Surah Taha, ayat 1-4).
Maka untuk menghidupkan hati dengan al-Quran, kita memerlukan beberapa syarat:
Pertama, al-Quran hendaklah dibaca dengan tenang dan khusyuk, dalam keadaan bersunyi diri (berkhalwah), terutama pada waktu tengah malam atau fajar (Subuh).
Allah berfirman bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya membaca al-Quran pada waktu fajar (Subuh) itu disaksikan malaikat.” (Surah al-Isra’, ayat 78).
Kedua, membaca al-Quran dengan pengamatan maknanya seperti yang dijelaskan dalam firman Allah bermaksud: “Tidakkah mereka merenungi (tadabur) al-Quran itu?” (Surah Muhammad, ayat 24).
Pembacaan yang disertai dengan renungan dan pengamatan sedemikian akan membuka pintu hati seseorang untuk menerima kebenaran yang terkandung dalam al-Quran.
Dengan perkataan lain, roh dari alam tinggi (alam Ketuhanan) yang dibawa oleh al-Quran itu akan turun dan meresapi ke dalam hati pembaca al-Quran kemudian ia menghidupkannya.
Dengan itu hati dapat mengenal kebenaran dengan mudah dan mencintainya. Nilai kebenaran dan kebaikan akan tumbuh subur dalam jiwanya. Lantas ia menyukai kedua-keduanya, tetapi membenci dan menentang kebatilan dan kejahatan.
Ketiga, sentiasa bersikap bersedia untuk menerima kebenaran al-Quran sebelum membaca atau mendengarnya.
Manusia sering dikuasai oleh hawa nafsunya. Segala keinginan dunia (hingga membawa kepada kegilaan) adalah dinding (hijab) tebal yang menutup hati seseorang itu sehingga menyebabkan enggan menerima hidayah Allah melalui al-Quran.
Keempat, merealisasikan kehambaan (’ubudiyyah) diri sewaktu membaca al-Quran.
Perasaan ini akan dapat menimbulkan keazaman untuk merealisasikan segala ajaran al-Quran yang dibaca itu dalam kehidupan. Ini semata-mata untuk mendapatkan keredaan Allah.
Dalam perkataan lain, pembacaan yang sedemikian akan menimbulkan keazaman untuk bermujahadah iaitu melawan kemahuan diri yang bertentangan dengan tuntutan ‘ubudiyyah kepada Allah.
Melaksanakan segala perintah Allah yang terkandung dalam al-Quran adalah tafsiran makna ayat yang dibacanya itu di dalam kehidupan.
Untuk memastikan ia terus hidup dan segar, maka hati perlu sentiasa menjalani proses mujahadah (melawan segala kemahuan diri yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam).
Hati yang tidak bermujahadah, ertinya hati itu beku dan kotor. Hati yang kotor dan beku menyebabkan seseorang itu tidak ingin melakukan kebaikan, malah ia sentiasa melakukan perkara yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.
Perkara ini dijelaskan dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW bermaksud: “Huzaifah berkata: Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah bersabda: Fitnah akan melekat di hati manusia bagaikan tikar yang dianyam secara tegak-menegak antara satu sama lain. Mana-mana hati yang dihinggapi oleh fitnah, nescaya akan terlekat padanya bintik-bintik hitam.
“Begitu juga dengan hati yang tidak dihinggapinya, akan terlekat padanya bintik-bintik putih sehinggalah hati itu terbahagi kepada dua.
“Sebahagiannya menjadi putih bagaikan batu licin yang tidak lagi terkena bahaya fitnah, selama langit dan bumi masih ada, manakala sebahagian yang lain menjadi hitam keabu-abuan seperti bekas tembaga yang berkarat, tidak menyuruh kebaikan dan tidak pula melarang kemungkaran, segala-galanya adalah mengikut keinginan.” (Riwayat al-Bukhari di dalam Kitab Iman, Hadis No. 207)
Saturday, March 28, 2009 | Labels: iluvislam | 0 Comments
Pump Up The Jams, Pump It Up
Mondays are my most hated days of the week.
Monday is no man's land. Monday plops you down at the beginning of the week - but not at the middle quite yet - and what's worse is that you're not even close to the end of the week. Depressing.
I have devised a small, yet effective cure to my Monday Troubles and that is a pump-up, get-me-psyched for the class week mix. This combination of songs has just the right amount of gumption and spunk to get me grooving and focus for the entire day.
2. "Run the Show" by Kat de Luna feat. Busta Rhymes.
I'll admit. This song isn't particularly inspiring. But it does make me want to dance, which makes me smile, which makes my day seem not as bad as it really is.


This band has always been one of my favorite.
5. "Livin’ La Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin.
The tune of this song can really get you going.
Monday is only once a week. You’ll be saying goodbye to it in no time.
7. "It’s My Life" by Bon Jovi.
It’s now or never. I just wanna live while I’m alive. Enough said.
8. "Just Lose It" by Eminem.
I just love the lyrics of this song. “It's Friday and it's my day/ Just to party all the way to Sunday/ Maybe til Monday/ I dunno what day/ Everyday's just a holiday” . It made me think that Monday is just like any other day.

I love when rappers and rock combine. And this song makes me walk faster to class (it has serious magical powers).
10. "Survivor" by Destiny’s Child.
No matter how hard it is during the day, you have to survive and this song can fires you up! Survival of the fittest!
Now, please go download these 10 songs and instantly feel better about your Monday.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | Labels: music, stress | 4 Comments
Short Updates
- Pergi Putrajaya. bertolak pergi pukul 7.30 pagi, balik semule ke UiTM pukul 10 mlm.sangattt penat.. Actually, our TPT lecturer, Miss Chatila gave us an assignment in which we are required to travel to Putrajaya using public transport and then write a report regarding the Malaysia Public Transportation System.
So from Melaka : Bus –> Putra LRT –> ERL –> Bus –> Putrajaya
- I am not going to elaborate on this, but FYI, it took me 4 hours from Melaka to arrived at Putrajaya (+.+!). The journey is very unpleasant. Our public transportation system still needs a lot of improvements.
- Baru dpt tau claz TPT mlm ni cancel. Begitu juga claz Research besok. haha
- Balik umahh!! yeay! Tiket bas kol 3.15pm. Agak best balik awal2 hari khamis ni sbb x ramai org. even time dlm bas seat sebelah pon kosong je.
- Total relaxation on this day ^^
- Around 11am pergi opis Umi utk serahkan segale sijil2 and surat2 yg berkaitan for certification. Leceh gak nak apply scholarship ni. Kena wat esei lg nanti. hesh
- Petang pg CC utk cari bahan assignment.
- From 9pm-2am buat assignment, Business Proposal. One of the major assignment I have for this sem. Still in progress. sales forecast x buat lagi. Return on investment pon x kira lg. Isnin da kne present (T_T)
- Bgn je tido dgr bising2 kt bawah. Rupenye abg aku dtg. Hannah & Huzaifah pon ade skali. No wonder bising. Hannah mengamuk, nangis non-stop. Taktik nak pujuk, bg coklat Cadbury terus senyap.hakhak
- Pegi Tesco jap utk beli pape yg patot utk dibawe balik nanti.
- Malam sambung wat assignment, this time Business Report lak. Still x 100% complete. .stress2. Stop jap, cadang nak tulis esei utk scholarship application tuh tp idea xde lak. (+.+!).
- Setelah berfikir..fikir…dan fikir…still x tulis pape lg.hahah. anyway thx a lot pd yg bg idea tuh. at least ade gak general idea nak tulis ape nanti =p
- Bgn agak awal arini..kagum2 =p
- Cek result EPL: Arsenal cam biase mesti menang nye kan.. 3-1 against Newcastle. Turned out ManU ngan Chelsea lost their respective matches last night. wahaha.b00ooo!
- Balik kolej, bas kol 1 tgh hari.
Monday, March 23, 2009 | Labels: assignments, class, stress, trip | 6 Comments
Keep on Moving
human in all our ways.
Every one feels pain,
but surely, after suffering, satisfaction will arrive.
Even with sports, studying or other ordeals.
With life, it’s like that for everyone.
If we can beat the pain, on the other side,
a rainbow of happiness awaits us.
That will definitely become a treasure.
Let’s believe in that..
Friday, March 20, 2009 | Labels: motivation | 0 Comments
Doing the same thing day-in and day-out can take it’s toll on Nazmi. It can cause him to lose ambition and motivation; to give into boredom and not use his time wisely; to just do a bad job.
Lately, I've been bored. I've given into the daily routine of going to class, playing games and working quietly on my assignments. I'm not being proactive and showing everyone that I can excel in my life. So, that needs to change.
I work well with planned out goals that result in a reward for myself. In this case, the ultimate reward is success. Who wouldn’t want to be successful in their life right?
Goal: Flawlessly execute my assignments.
The Deal: Stop procrastinates, just get it done A.S.A.P.
Goal: Successfully finishing up the syllabus on my own.
The Deal: Stop depending too much on the lecturers-lectures-notes. I need to read on my own. It’s all about the efforts. *wink2*
This is just the beginning. I should probably also stop playing games so much and reduced the time I’ve allocated for sleep.
We'll see how that goes.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 | Labels: assignments, games, sleep | 0 Comments
Sick of Being Sick
Yesterday morning I woke up with a raging headache and a throbbing sore throat. So I took a sick day and skipped class.
Needless to say I think my sudden bout of sickness is from my recent case of running-myself-ragged-from-the-crazy-amount-of-work-I've-been-doing-and-that-little-thing-called-travelling-plus-all-that-assignments-and-meeting-the-deadlines-syndrome.
For the entire week, I was overly stressed about deadlines. I have this problem of pushing myself so hard for multiple weeks at a time that all of a sudden my body just crashes.
So to avoid doing that to myself again, I didn't push myself to go to class yesterday. Instead, I took the day off to lie around, sit back and relax =)
Playing games and watching movies all day long sure is fun. haha
Unfortunately, I only feel a tiny bit better today and I also have the unfortunate luck of having being informed that I got a new assignment waiting for me. In other words, it's going to be a long night tonight.
I am just so over being sick. Normally, I love getting sick. I know, it's kind of weird. But it's like a free 'get out of jail' free card. No work and an excuse to sit on the couch or lay in bed all day. That is so right up my alley.
But today I just want to be healthy. I want to not have a fever. I want my throat to stop aching. I want food to taste good again. And I would love it if my eyes weren't permanently half-shut.
Instead, I am so over it.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 | Labels: class, stress | 2 Comments
In high school, I was a big procrastinator. I would wait until the last possible minute to start studying for finals and term papers...let's not even go there. In college I was the same way - and I hate to admit this but that’s the truth.
For the most part, I try not to let my procrastination get the better of me. I think the one remark I hear from a lot of my friends is that I do things quickly. If you ask me to do something, I do it. And I realized recently that's because if I don't do it right away and get it over with, then I will procrastinate until the very last second to get it done. (+.+)
Some people would say it is sheer laziness. I know that if my lecturer asks me to do something and I just don't do it right's because I'm lazy. But I think, sometimes when I worked on something at the last minutes, it might’ve still just worked out.
The last few weeks at college I have seen procrastination start to pull at me. Even though I got tons of assignments to finish up, I still procrastinate. I’ve tried so many times to change, but at the end of the day, it’s futile. Maybe it’s just the way I am =p
Sometimes I do wish that I had someone who was there to watch me and make me perform better. But I think I realized just this past week as procrastination set in, that being a grown-up is pushing me. Not having someone to push you requires you to do it for you. But I do hope that one day I might be able to change my attitude. Insya-Allah~
Saturday, March 14, 2009 | Labels: attitude | 0 Comments
Why We All Love Pirated CD's
Every now and then whenever I go to the shopping mall, there’s still some people especially the Chinese selling the pirated CD, DVD and so on. Even though our government has made it crystal clear that it’s illegal, this activities seems impossible to stop..but I’m really grateful for that..haha
Honestly speaking, a lot of people loves pirate are some faqs about piracy and why people loves it so much ^^
1.Cinema sucks. When you reach the cinema, you'll have to line up for 15 minutes before it's your turn to get the ticket. But then they tell you the ticket is ‘sold out. So, you bought the next show and had to wait for another 3 hours. When the time comes, the ticket usher stops you from bringing any outside foods into the hall. So, you're forced to line up another 10 minutes in the snack bar. By then, you're already late for the show. The light already turned off when you went it. Oooppss ... u fell down and everyone laugh at you. Next, the cinema bore you with 15 minutes of advertisements. Frankly speaking, I don’t know why the government ban 'triple x' VCDs when all the beer commercials in the cinema features 10 sluts dancing around. Later, your hand phone rang and everyone booed you. At last, the show ends but you'll need to line up through the smelly exit.
2. Customer Friendly Sellers. Buying VCDs from the stall are like dining in a luxury restaurant. First, those blond hair sellers will greet you with 'leng-chai'. It's now time to order the meal. If you know what to order, they will search the title for you. But let's say if you're decided, these fellas will suggest some meals for you. Strangely, all movies ( according to them ) is nice to watch. When you've finished, here comes the main course. The rectangular box containing all the finest artistic international stuff. And you can bargain too ! But when you buy VCDs from Speedy Video, the shop assistant will stand few meters away from you, with their arms tied and eyes alert, thinking that you're another shoplifter.
3. You go to the movies...while watching the most suspense part in a love the guy and girl is about to kiss...all of a sudden the screen becomes matrix mode. And then it changes to some dull scene. Doesn't this sound familiar? Say thank you to our censorship board for helping us remove the itsy bitsy parts. You never get this when you buy pirated CDs.
4. 8 years ago, piracy was a minority because of the original CD pricing and contents. 3 years ago, they increased original CD prices 70% and say it's because of import duties, tax and other crap, while at the same time the pirated CD prices drop from 50% - 70%. Customers would prefer to buy from a sale right?
5. Piracy helps students to learn new programs at a reduced price cost. If every student is going to spend RM800 just to buy Adobe Photoshop, then Malaysia would lag behind in the computer graphics industry. So in a long run, Malaysia's economy status becomes better with more knowledgeable citizens. And many people are willing to spend money to buy pirated CDs but not that willing to buy original CDs. By buying the CDs they are circulating the money thus helping the money flow around and not stay in the pockets.
Monday, March 09, 2009 | Labels: thoughts | 0 Comments
A Death Divine?
In the beginning is the emergency call, and the caller wants to report a suicide. Whose? asks the 911 operator. Mine, says the man.
And so begins the story of Seven Pounds, a strange, swooning mystery about love, loss, redemption and the taxman. They say there are two things in life that you can’t escape from – death and taxes. In this movie, these two terrors seem to have found union in Will Smith’s a.k.a Ben Thomas, a taxman who behaves as if he has come to sit in judgement of those he audits.
He acts beyond the already formidable powers vested in him by the IRS, prying into and holding the lives of others in his hands. What kind of IRS man is this? Who the hell is Ben Thomas? This is the mystery as the core of Seven Pounds. The story immerses us in the puzzle of the IRS agent with the strange audit.
There are seven people in Ben’s list, hence the title of the movie, and he evaluates all of them in an unconventional manner – by snooping about, observing from afar, and talking with people who know them.
Slowly, it emerges that Ben is a man scarred by guilt and personal loss, and that he wants to fill the emptiness of his life and to redeem his life by making other people’s lives better. But first, he wants to know if they are worthy of a helping hand.
I’m not going to elaborate more on the story, you just have to watch it yourself =p
It’s all terribly sappy, not to mention controversial, but resistance is futile. lalala~
Monday, March 09, 2009 | Labels: movies | 0 Comments
The Beginning
Ok, this is my first post in this blog so go easy on me, ayt? But this is not the first time I have a blog. I had one in friendster but I’m getting bored with I created this blog instead..haha
Actually, it's easier to have a blog here rather than the one in friendster.. blogspot is specifically created for people to write their blog, it’s more sophisticated and there’s a lot of stuff you can play with (my opinion, so shut all of YOURS, I don't want to hear it). The other one that I had ran slow and made my computer lag. It really pissed me off!
To be honest, I'm having this blog to share my daily life with the computer and anyone else who's interested in reading, but I doubt that my blog would be read because as you all know, I'm a pretty boring person...if you think vice-versa then great. I appreciate it.
Sleeping already? See? I told you I'm boring! Well, ain't my fault you fell asleep. I told you already. If you're blaming me, well then shame on YOU. This is how I am. Accept it. You were the one who wanted to read this. I'm only here to write and talk about my everyday life.
To you who didn't complain I'm grateful to you but eventhough you were blaming me, I'd just state the above phrase and wave it off. I don't want to have grudges against anyone in my first post.'s really late now, 2.50am. I'm watching this funny patient + doctor drama “Scrubs" while typing this. The radio's also on, playing music from Tomorrow I'll have to lie through the "Rudy & JJ Breakfast Show" with all their stupid jokes and prank calls.
Ok...the drama's just finished and now they're playing the ending theme.
I want to go to bed now. See you guys again! Ja ne~!
Saturday, March 07, 2009 | Labels: thoughts | 0 Comments

- Nazmi
- An optimist and positive thinker who sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. lol =p
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to keep on moving when everything messed up
to keep on going when my vision turns upside down
to keep calm when my anger explodes
to keep smiling when all I have is sadness
to enjoy the real happiness that came only for a while
but only this way
these lessons had taught Me how to live
these challenges that made me stronger inside out
these stories that gave me strength to my weaknesses
so I thank YOU GOD
for each fate that u wrote for my Life
is nothing better but THE BEST!
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